Virginia Flores, LCSW

Virginia Flores is a licensed clinical social worker actively practicing in the Tarrant County community. Ms. Flores is bilingual, serving Spanish speaking individuals as well as English speaking individuals.

Ms. Flores is an experienced curricula writer, trainer, consultant, and facilitator of cultural and equity workshops and seminars that have been presented throughout Texas, California, and southwestern United States. Curriculum topics have included

  • Incorporating equity into the workplace.
  • Introducing Latinos' history and contributions in America
  • How to have courageous conversations around race and ethnicity.
  • Developing race equity leadership.
  • The importance of race and ethnicity to youth in foster care.

Background experience includes working for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission as a Race Equity Specialist. 

Ms. Flores is a graduate from the School of Social Work, University of Texas at Arlington.